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Lorem Ipsum Generator


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet” is the start of the dummy text that designers use as a placeholder until they get the real copy. This site generates as much dummy text as you want in a flash.

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Vacation Packing List


This is my infamous vacation packing list. I first created this in elementary school, because being anal is something you’re just born with. It’s really a very simple concept, and the only times I’ve ever forgotten to pack something were the rare times that I didn’t use the list.

Vacation Packing List (Excel)

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House Hunting Evaluation


I’ve purchased two homes in less than two years and I created this form the first time, then revised it for the second round. It really helped me remember all of the places I was seeing with my realtor. Sometimes you’re in and out of a place so quickly that it’s just difficult to remember if it had all of the features that you want.

House hunting evaluation (Excel)

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Email Address Encoder


This tool encodes your address into it’s equivalent decimal representation before you post it on any site so that spam bots can’t find it and harvest it for their malicious purposes. Browsers show the address as normal text, but the code is safe.

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Favicon maker


You know those little icons that show up in the address bar of websites? Well they’re called favicons. Ever wondered how to create one for your site? Well here’s a free online favicon maker.

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