

Part II of my birthday. Part I of my present to myself.

And for the record it’s only a coincidence that I’m an Aries.

There are 6 comments in this article:

  1. 20/04/2005Dooser say:

    The feed has the Around the World video enclosed?

  2. 21/04/2005Leslye say:

    I screwed up the post the first time so the feed was wrong. I guess they don’t update the feed when the post is updated… 🙁

  3. 22/04/2005karmagrrrl say:

    that’s a great tattoo. and hey – that videoblogger shirt that you caught Ryanne wearing in a recent vlog – it was made by Rene. She has a whole series of how she made them here: http://www.luxomedia.com/blog/2005/04/videoblogging-week-day-7.html. I bought one that said “rise up network.” It came today and looks great. Think i might have to get another one… 🙂

  4. 24/04/2005Gabe say:

    I did the same thing for my birthday a year ago. I haven’t posted the video yet, but I guess I have to now. A good present ot one’s self. Cool.

  5. 26/04/2005Reese say:

    LOL! That’s great. I love your videos, Leslye. 🙂

  6. 25/05/2005Aaron say:

    Love that Tat Leslye.
    What psalm is that and from what origins.
    I love the symbolism.


    P.S. Perfect for what it must have felt like, huh?